lunes, 30 de mayo de 2011

Simple Past Tense[sentences(Daniel y Nereyda)]

Aff. Structure:
Subjet + Verb(+ed/irregular) + Complement + .

Sergio drank orange juice .

Neg. Structure:
Subjet + didn't +  Verb(base part) + Complement + .

Sergio didn´t drink orange juice.

Int. Structure:
IF? -yes or  no
Did + Subjet + Verb(base part) + Complement + ?

Did Sergio drink orange juice ?
                                                     yes, he did .    

Wh + did + Subjet + Verb(base part) + Complement + ?

What did Sergio Drink?
                                          orange juice .


Jesus drove a truck in the street in the morning.

Negative Structure

Jesus didn't drive a truck in the street in the morning.

Interrogative Structure

Did Jesus drive a truck in the street in the morning?

Wh. Structure

What did Jesus drive in the street?

Mtz Gallegos Daniel&Serrano Cruz Rosalia Nereyda